# TatlerBot NodeJS client
Telegram bot for sending notifications [@TatlerBot](https://t.me/tatlerbot)
To use this bot you need to:
**/create pipeAlias** - to create new notification pipe (private chat only). pipeAlias format is - `/^[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_\.-]{6,62}[a-z0-9_]$/i`
As a result of that command you get secret to authorization.
Then add this bot to some group chats and enable forwarding of that pipe:
**/addpipe pipeAlias** - to start streaming notifications (group chat only).
**/removepipe pipeAlias** - to stop streaming notifications (group chat only).
If you are not the owner of pipe, you would need to send special message to this pipe to verify that you have access to it.
Url to send message to channels is: https://tatler.jsbots.eu/msg/[PipeName]/[PipeSecret]/?This+is+message